Sunday, June 3, 2012

Let the stupid pages begin again.....

**NOTE: NPO = nothing by mouth, ie. no food or drink

Nurse Silly-Question: "Hi Dr. T, it's Nurse silly-question. On that patient of yours (who just recovered from DKA, aka ridiculously high blood sugar and electrolyte imbalances), he's NPO to everything but water after midnight for an am cholesterol panel in the morning, and I just took his blood sugar (3 hours late) and it was 257 (high)....did you still want him to get his 75:25 insulin (daily scheduled insulin needed to keep blood sugars normal) that you ordered since he's NPO (despite the order that says to do so)?"

Me: "What time do they draw am labs here?"

Nurse Silly-Question: "5 usually....sometimes 5:15 or 5:30"

NOTE: most people on a regular schedule are NPO between midnight an 5:30am.  Is that a reason to hold insulin in a patient who's here because he needs insulin?????? Common sense PUH-LEASE!!!


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